Dimensional Double Shift Receives The B.O.O.S.T.E.R Update

Tuesday, December 17

Introducing The B.O.O.S.T.E.R Update for Dimensional Double Shift. Join other players in new team building experiments!

Job Simulator, Vacation Simulator and Cosmonious High now available on Meta Quest 3

Tuesday, October 17

Get ready to [JOB], [RELAX], and explore the cosmos! Job Simulator, Vacation Simulator and Cosmonious High are available now on Meta Quest 3.

Hispanic Heritage Month Reading List

Friday, September 29

In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, Owlmigos ERG teamed up with the rest of Owlchemy to curate a list of some of our favorite books written by Latine and Hispanic authors.

How We Incorporate Accessibility in Development

Thursday, May 18

At Owlchemy Labs, we believe in VR for Everyone. That means that we want all players, regardless of disability or limitation, to be able to have fun playing our games with comfort and ease. We continue to work towards the goal of making VR for Everyone by including accessibility innovations in each of our releases and establishing on-going standards and considerations. 

In honor of Global Accessibility Awareness Day, we’d like to give you a high level look at how Owlchemy Labs incorporates accessibility into our games.

Owlchemy Labs Shares a First of It's Kind Vision Accessibility Update for Cosmonious High

Tuesday, March 14

Owlchemy Labs shares the first of it’s kind Vision Accessibility Update for Cosmonious High aimed to provide access to legally blind and low vision players.

Women's History Month Reading List

Wednesday, March 01

This month is Women’s History Month, so we gathered some book recommendations from our Owlchemy Owls.

Cosmonious High, Job Simulator, and Vacation Simulator now available on PlayStation® VR2

Wednesday, February 22

Today Cosmonious High, Job Simulator and Vacation Simulator are available for PlayStation VR2.

Announcing New Leadership at Owlchemy Labs

Thursday, February 16

Today, after an amazing 12 year run as a founder and most recently CEOwl, Devin Reimer has announced his departure from Owlchemy Labs. Chief Operating Owl (COOwl), Andrew Eiche, will step into the Chief Executive Owl (CEOwl) role starting on March 3, 2023.

Black History Month Reading List

Friday, February 10

Hey folks, Vincent here! February is Black History Month and to celebrate and honor the contributions of Black writers I have curated a list of my favorite book recommendations. 

Job Simulator and Vacation Simulator are Coming to PlayStation VR2 as Launch Day Titles

Thursday, January 19

Job Simulator and Vacation Simulator will be available on PlayStation® VR2 on February 22 as launch day titles!

Pre-Order Cosmonious High on PlayStation VR2 Today!

Tuesday, November 15

Starting today you can pre-order Cosmonious High in the PlayStation Store. Players with an active PlayStation Plus subscription can pre-order the game at a 20% discount.

Cosmonious High is a February 22nd Launch Day Title for PlayStation VR2

Wednesday, November 02

Welcome to Cosmonious High! We are excited to have you join us on PlayStation VR2 on February 22, 2023.

Owlchemy Labs Teases First VR Game Built for Hand Tracking at Opening Night Live

Wednesday, August 24

Owlchemy Labs is excited to announce our most ambitious project to-date, a brand new game built from the ground up for hand tracking and our first title to feature multiplayer. 

Cosmonious High Welcomes New Students With a Major Accessibility Update

Thursday, June 09

Today we released a major Accessibility Update for Cosmonious High. Building on Owlchemy’s “VR for Everyone” design philosophy, the update introduces one-handed mode, dynamic height adjustments, localization improvements, and more.


Thursday, April 21

World Interactions in Cosmonious High

And now for something completely different! Starting this month we’ll take a deep dive into the tech that made Cosmonious High what it is.

Cosmonious High is Now Available On Meta Quest 2 and SteamVR

Thursday, March 31

Welcome to your firs day of class at Cosmonious High! The game is available now for Meta Quest 2 and SteamVR for $29.99.

Cosmonious High Launch Day Livestream

Saturday, March 19

You are invited to join the Owlchemy Labs team for a Launch Day Developer Livestream of our upcoming title Cosmonious High on Thursday, March 31 from 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM CDT.

The Power is YOURS

Thursday, March 10

Welcome to our third blog investigating our Interaction is Everything pillar! Buckle up: it’s powers all the way down!

Join the Cosmic Chaos When Cosmonious High Launches for Meta Quest 2 and SteamVR on March 31

Thursday, March 03

It’s time to join the cosmic chaos at Cosmonious High when it launches on Meta Quest 2 and Steam VR on March 31, 2022. Check out the new gameplay trailer!

Handy Dandy Dev

Thursday, February 03

Hand Interactions in Cosmonious High

This blog dives further into our Interaction is Everything design pillar, specifically our super-powered hand interactions.

Keepin’ it Classy

Thursday, January 06

Keepin’ it Classy

Class Interactions in Cosmonious High

Our last four devblogs have been all about that initial WORLD pillar of Cosmonious High: the space you’re in, the characters you meet, the overall story.