Owlchemy Labs Announces Android XR Support for Job Simulator, Vacation Simulator
As part of our ongoing commitment to being a mutli-platform studio we are excited to announce that the multi-platinum award winning Job Simulator and Vacation Simulator will receive Android XR support.
Android XR supports immersive Augmented and Virtual Reality experience development on XR devices. The platform includes eye tracking, hand tracking, face tracking, passthrough and more which allows us to bring our award-winning titles to the platform in a highly immersive experience for a new community of users.
Developing for Android XR provided us a streamlined approach to creating Immersive experiences, compatible with a wide range of XR devices. The platform's integration with the Unity engine, with a majority of the functionality available directly from Unity APIs, without the need for third-party library integration, simplified the porting process and helped ensure our existing Unity based games could be seamlessly adapted to the XR environment.
By utilizing the latest OpenXR standard, Android XR enables easier porting of features such as Device, Hand, Eye, and Face Tracking, along with AR plane detection and anchors, empowering developers to more easily port their apps while maintaining the same high level of functionality and user experience that their players expect. Through their partnership with Unity to deliver a Unity package, developers are able to port and build new experiences using the standards they are familiar with.
We are excited about mutli-modal for even more ways to interact naturally with the system. Developing apps across the spatial spectrum doesn’t have to be all MR or all Immersive, this gives creative freedom to create experience across both platforms.