Dimensional Double Shift Receives Patch 1
We are so happy to see the Dimensional Double Shift community growing. To continue to foster a strong community and fun experience we are introducing Patch 1, available now. In this patch we have:
Revised the flow of the garage so each player has more focused tasks for each car
The garage shift now has a last call similar to the diner!
Players now have a short amount of time to rejoin after leaving a shift. If they don’t, their shift adjusts to their absence so remaining players can continue the shift
The Gas ‘N Grill now has more things for you to interact with
Rings are now shown on gloved hands (Who’d wear a ring over a glove, though?)
Streamer Options: Added the ability for streamers to hide room codes
See the full list of patch notes below and don’t forget to join our Discord to find a group or join our Community Play Days!
Full Patch Notes:
Pepper grinder can now be used with one hand!
Fabricator now displays gear COLORS and PATTERNS for better legibility by all players
Added background images behind character names in subtitles
Changed Hexagon Pistons to Triangles (They’re the strongest shape after all)
Added success indication for the USB Stick to the computer
Made the gear manufacturing lever a BIT more obvious :D
Upped the level of detail for garage customers when they're in their cars
Increase speed of vehicle lowering animation by about 25% (after pulling cables to send it away)
USB Stick now respawns on the table after unplugging and dropping it on the floor
Made it easier to put oil in the oil tank and made it slightly easier to put the correct amount in
Fixed car panels getting stuck halfway open when opening them
Improved reachability of panels in the corners of cars
Fixed broken animations with some pistons and gears
Fixed USB is sometimes getting stuck in its slot
Dirty Pistons can now be cleaned by shaking them
Added a sticky note to remind you to put the USB drive back when done with it
Polished interdependencies between car modules
Improved randomization of car modules
Engine now takes less fluid to extinguish when on fire (Boooooo)
Items thrown onto the floating island now actually collide with the ground
Vacuum can be used to clean modules - though there are other methods looks lovingly at the flamethrower
The default color of indicator in four button puzzle changes after pressing any button
Batteries no longer clips through hands
Cars no longer change color as they leave the garage
Fixed disappearing USB stick bug
Drill is now easier to grab when distance passing
Fixed minor networking issues
Burrittos now play rejection SFX when attempting to close an incomplete burrito, even if the tab burrito is still being held. Let’s just keep saying “Burrito” burrito B U R R I T O
Burritos can now be closed while still holding the burrito tab B U R R I T O
Gave the sprayer a makeover to make it more noticeable
Improved customer randomization, we promise Treeattle has more than 12 people :D
All players can now catch ice in their hands - don’t blame us if it’s cold though
Ticket scanning light has a lil’ more detail
Blending the sprayer no longer breaks the blender in certain cases
Improved item respawning behaviors
Fixed an issue where grinding ice and butter would shoot liquid from the grinder for a very long time… it was like a butter waterful in the diner
Fixed an issue with rotating the recipe scanner without an active recipe
Fixed lighting on items brought outside of the diner
Blended cup liquid now counts as a mystery ingredient. Mmmmm, paper
Blender and Grinder are longer available if there are no active roles that use it
Improved banana positioning 🍌
Huddle & Hangout
Massaged the rewards sequence after finishing a shift for a smoother flow
Added new versions of role icons when selecting a shift
Added fancy effects when there’s one hand in each of the shift portals
Improved the appearance of flowers
Fixed issue that prevented some players lighting things on fire with the campfire. More fire is ALWAYS good
Fixed issue where trophies would go under the table
Added collision to the ground next to the dumpster outside of the diner.
Login Room
Add even more obvious messaging that hand tracking is not enabled in Login scene
When the player first distance grabs the wristband there is no longer a panel that will flash white for a brief moment
Tuned NPC emotions because NPCs are people, too, maybe?
Ensure customer NPCs are chosen using deck shuffle randomization (guarantee no repeats until all options have been used up)
When giving up a shift, Alice will no longer play part of one give up line, then interrupt it with another
Toads 🐸
Multiple Toadtorials can now speak at the same time, even though talking over one another is ruuuuuude
Toadtorial can no longer be distance passed to another player (try throwing them instead)
Fixed Toadtorials subtitle and VO issues
Players can no longer burn and destroy toadtorials by holding them in fire - now they just go into fire mode (yes, Toads have a fire mode)
Progression & Unlocks
Added new titles - YAY!
Fixed several titles not unlocking properly
Cleaned up some problems with reward unlock sequence
Wrist notifications for avatar item unlocks now stop after a period of time
Newly unlocked nametags now show consistent names for all players
Minor hairstyle cleanup - snip snip!
Adjusted ring UI to better reflect the active hand
Fine-tuned grabbing of objects for a better feel
Fixed players with inconsistent networks staying in the garage when disconnected instead of getting moved to the rogin room
If the fire extinguisher is taken from the Garage to the Huddle and left there, it will now respawn bin the garage when players return to it
Players can no longer hear other players when their Quest menu is open
Gave the scrollbar in the Settings menu a transparent backing for reasons
Fixed grabbing an appliance with a trigger with a closed fist sometimes not causing the trigger to activate
Fixed issue where throwing tethered items caused them to respawn incorrectly
'Shift Done' logo no longer persists on additional shifts
Fixed certain objects appearing in front of others when they’re actually behind them, Weird.