Dimensional Double Shift Minor Update 3 Notes
A new minor update has been released for Dimensional Double Shift! In this update you will find quality of life improvements for the game.
We heard your feedback around weekend events and the big fix we want to note is that we have added backfilling to support the weekend events! No more getting stuck in a shift if someone drops, the game will automatically backfill that spot with a new player. See the full update notes below.
New Additions and General Improvements:
Improved the reliability of matchmaking in weekend Team Building Experiments! Employees should no longer get lost in the void of space when traveling to shifts, and even better – we’ve added player backfilling support to these weekend events! Your Experiments can continue if a co-worker clocks out early!
Implemented the S.T.O.P. system, or "Station Tether Ordinance for Players," to gently encourage workers to stay within their designated stations.
Added shift randomization when all employees place their hands in both portals. We deeply apologize for “fixing” this earlier. 😀
Login Area:
Added additional alerts and feedback to remind employees to leave those controllers at home when reporting for shift work!
ALICE will no longer get confused and stop talking mid-sentence, or mysteriously disappear, during the game’s introduction tutorial. More ALICE is a dub.
The Party Menu will no longer accidentally appear when interacting with your wristband in the Login area.
Car modules now work consistently and as expected during Last Call.
The Rotating Engine no longer rotates so carelessly that it occasionally gets locked to an incorrect solution.
We’ve increased the diversity of NPCs you’ll encounter – no more clones!
Improved burrito protocols! Burritos now complete as soon as the tab is fully closed, even if you're still holding the burrito.
Performance and Stability:
Optimized menu performance on Quest 2.
Improved the performance drops that occurred when cars first entered the Garage bay.
Tweaked the water particles in the Verbal Flow experiment to maintain a high frame rate and improve their presentation.
The underwater effect in our “Verbal Flow” weekend B.O.O.S.T.E.R. The Experiment now only affects employees who are actually underwater. (Sorry, short kings and queens)
The “Verbal Flow” weekend B.O.O.S.T.E.R. The Experiment has been re-tuned to make Garage flooding less aggressive, and draining fluids easier.
Improved the reliability of using certain food items with Thirst Quencher in the “Zero G” weekend B.O.O.S.T.E.R. Experiment.
Known Issues:
When backfilling into a shift, completed Garage panels may visually appear bright/active when they should be dim/inactive – but should otherwise function as expected
After launching the game, there may be no extra reminders to ditch your controllers if they are picked back up. Hand-tracking only! No controllers are allowed!
When a shift’s host player quits, other players may drop any objects they’re currently holding.
Players participating in Weekend B.O.O.S.T.E.R. Experiments may encounter inconsistencies with using Distance Pass… but probably not.