Snuggle Truck featured in App Stores across the world!

Snuggle Truck featured in App Stores across the world!

Owlbert, our wise resident lab owl, shook us out of sleep this morning to tell us that Snuggle Truck is featured in the New & Noteworthy section of the iOS App Store in 61 countries! At first we thought he was kidding but then we looked to see for ourselves; lo and behold, there it was…

This image shows Snuggle Truck is featured in the New & Noteworthy section of the iOS App Store in 61 countries

Here are just a few of the 61 countries the game was featured in:

– Argentina
– Hungary
– Malta
– Poland
– Russia
– Turkey

In accordance with the Too much of a good thing can be truly wonderful law, we’re delighted to give you even more great news! We’re hard at work on the v1.5 update which will bring you the Level Lobby, where you can share your levels with the rest of the world and the rest of the world can share theirs with you! We’re also eagerly listening to the feedback from our fans and we’re putting in our best effort to make the game a smoother, more enjoyable experience for all. If you have any feedback that you’ve been holding back from us, now would be the perfect time to write it down on a piece of paper, put it in a glass bottle, and float that bottle on the nearest river. If modern day practicality is your thing then perhaps put it up on the Smuggle Truck Facebook Page.

If you want to spread the word and you’re looking for some snuggly content to accompany the words in your sentences, be sure to visit our Press page and grab the Press Kit.

Peace and Science, forever!