Owlchemy at GDC 2019!
Can you believe GDC is next week? No, really! (Not a joke tweet!) With the approaching launch of Vacation Simulator fueling our spirits, the Owls will make the migration from Austin to Moscone to give talks at both VRDC Summit and the main GDC Conference.
Here’s our lineup of Owls speaking at this year’s conference:
Bringing VR Experiences to Life with the Magic of Music
Daniel Perry (Emperor of Sound Waves)
Monday, March 18th, 2019 | 3:50 - 4:20 PM
Schedule Info: https://schedule.gdconf.com/session/bringing-vr-experiences-to-life-with-the-magic-of-music/862475
The universal language of music has the power to elevate virtual reality experience; to evoke emotions from your players, breathe life into your worlds, and transform the immersive to something truly magical. In this talk, Owlchemy Labs' Daniel Perry will remove the mystery from the magic and share different ways for VR designers and developers to leverage music in their VR projects without breaking immersion or progression flow. Using examples from VR prototypes, 'Job Simulator', 'Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality', and the upcoming 'Vacation Simulator', attendees will learn various techniques and considerations to apply to current and future VR projects, including: instruments, environment-based music, interactive musical elements, gaze-based music, and more.
Embracing Chaos: Designing for Emergent Gameplay in VR
Chris Wade (Developer, Artist, and Physics Virtuoso)
Tuesday, March 19th, 2019 | 1:20 - 1:50 PM
Schedule Info: https://schedule.gdconf.com/session/embracing-chaos-designing-for-emergent-gameplay-in-vr/863134
As the VR industry matures, developers are faced with the challenge of creating engaging, interactive content with lasting depth. Since pioneering early paradigms for interaction in VR with 'Job Simulator', Owlchemy Labs has insights to share on ways to give players the freedom and tools for creative play. Using case studies from 'Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality' and 'Vacation Simulator', developers will learn about Owlchemy's design philosophy, understand VR interaction affordances and technical scope of emergent gameplay systems, and be inspired to embrace chaos in their own games.
Lessons Learned from 'Job Simulator' to 'Vacation Simulator': Advanced Interactions for Room-Scale VR
Devin Reimer (Chief Executive Owl), Andrew Eiche (Chief Technology Owl and Cable Slinger)
Thursday, March 21st, 2019 | 5:30 - 6:30 PM
Hear from Owlchemy Labs as they share stories of success, failure, and lessons learned developing their latest original virtual reality game 'Vacation Simulator'. Since pioneering early standards for VR interaction in 'Job Simulator', Owlchemy Labs has new insights about the latest best practices for room-scale VR. Hear from the team as they cover several topics, including advanced interaction with objects and characters, zone-based teleportation, accessible design, and more, that anyone doing VR development can apply to their current and future projects.
We’re excited for all that’s in store for the next month, and can’t wait to catch up with everyone at GDC! See you next week!!